
AWS Certified Solutions Architect

This AWS Training will help you prepare for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate exam With Bluemap’s instructor-led sessions, you will be able to effectively architect and deploy secure and robust applications using AWS. This AWS training course will help you identify the appropriate AWS service based on databases, network, storage, cost optimization, compute, and security requirements.

Delivery Mode

Training is available in small groups as well as on one-to-one basis. Get in touch.

Batch Timings

For the latest training schedule, please check the Calendar.


4 Modules


40 hours


Amazon Web Services: Industry Ready Tailored Course:

Cloud hosted web sites and applications are the future of Information Technology.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a secure cloud services platform, offering compute power, database storage, content delivery, highly reliable, scalable, low-cost pay for-what-you-use infrastructure platform on the cloud. AWS powers hundreds of thousands of businesses around the world and offers other functionality to help businesses scale and grow.

As Cloud Computing has become very popular, there is a great demand for System and Cloud Administrators with AWS skills.


Apr 17th
07:00 AM to 09:00 AM (IST)

Apr 22nd
07:00 AM to 09:00 AM (IST)

Training Type Timing Duration Get Started
Regular [Weekdays]
On Request
5 weeks
Regular [Weekends]
On Request
5 weekends
Fast Track [5 days]
To be announced

Course Content - What Will You Learn?

  • What Is Cloud
  • Why Cloud?
  • Types Of Cloud Deployment Models
  • Types Of Cloud Services
  • Future Of Cloud Technologies
  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of Cloud
  • What Is AWS?
  • How To Subscribe For AWS Account
  • What Is The AWS Free Usage Tier
  • AWS Certification
  • Introduction To The AWS Management Console
  • List Of Services Given By AWS Compute Services
  • What Is Amazon EC2?
  • Features Of Amazon EC2
  • Managing The EC2 Infrastructure
  • AEC2 Dashboard
  • Pricing For Amazon EC2
  • Describing Regions
  • Availability Zones, And Endpoints
  • Managing Instances In An Availability Zone
  • Managing AMIs
  • Working With Windows, Linux AMIs
  • Shared And Paid AMI
  • Making An AMI Public
  • Instance Type
  • Instance Life Cycle
  • Differences Between Reboot, Stop, And Terminate
  • Building An EC2 Windows And Linux Instances
  • To Install Instance In Public And Private Subnet
  • Security Via Key Pairs
  • EC2 Class And VPC Security Groups
  • Managing Elastic IP’s
  • Pricing Model In EC2 Instances
  • EC2 With Amazon Command Line Interface
  • Features Of Amazon EBS
  • Amazon EBS Volumes
  • Managing EBS Volumes
  • Increasing The Volume Size
  • Amazon EBS Snapshots
  • Creating A Load Balancer
  • Internal And External Load Balancer
  • Load Balancing Protocols
  • Security Groups For The Load Balancer
  • Health Check For The Load Balancer
  • Cross-Zone Load Balancing
  • Connection Draining
  • What Is Auto Scaling?
  • Auto Scaling Components
  • Benefits Of Auto Scaling
  • Creation Of Launch Configuration
  • Configuration Of Auto Scaling Policies
  • Advantages Of Using Auto Scaling With ELB
  • Security Groups
  • Elastic IPs
  • Key Pairs
  • Network Interfaces
  • Deploy, Manage, Scale An Application
  • How Management Complexity Are Reduced
  • Workflow Of Elastic Beanstalk
  • Create Application
  • Launch Environment
  • Manage Environment
  • Modifying The Properties Of The Deployment Networking Services
  • What Is Amazon VPC?
  • VPC Essentials
  • Default And Nondefault VPC
  • VPC Networking And ACL
  • Security Groups
  • DNS And DHCP Options Sets
  • VPC Peering And Endpoints
  • Subnet Routing
  • VPC Internet Gateway
  • Elastic IP Addresses And Network Interfaces
  • VPC Integration With Many Other AWS Services
  • Creating A NAT Instance In A VPC
  • Configuring A Web Application In VPC
  • Route 53 As Your DNS Service
  • Using Traffic Flow
  • Route 53 Health Checks
  • Configuring DNS Failover
  • Latency Based Routing
  • Weighted Routing Policies
  • What Is Object Storage?
  • Data As Objects
  • Lifecycles Of S3
  • Managing Buckets
  • Accessing S3 Storage Via Tools
  • Creation Of A Static Website Using S3 Storage
  • Identity Access Management (IAM)
  • IAM Features
  • Getting Started With IAM
  • Creation Of User, Groups, Roles
  • Managing Policies
  • Credential Report
  • IAM Console And The Sign-In Page
  • RDS Essentials
  • Launching RDS Instance
  • Selecting The Engine
  • Configuring The Database Engine
  • Managing RDS Database
  • Setting Up Automatic Backups
  • Authorizing Access To The DB
  • DynamoDB Overview
  • What Is NoSQL Database?
  • How It Works
  • Using The DynamoDB Console
  • Creating Tables And Loading Sample Data
  • Query And Scan Operations In DynamoDB
  • Amazon CloudWatch Architecture
  • List Of Services Monitored By CloudWatch
  • Collect And Track Metrics
  • Monitoring Memory And Disk Metrics
  • Monitoring Logs, Graphs
  • Set Alarms
  • Building AWS Infrastructure As A Code
  • Design A Template
  • Create A Stack
  • Create A Template From Your Existing Resources
  • Simple Email Service Overview
  • Configuring Amazon Email Service
  • Amazon SES And Deliverability
  • Amazon SES Email-Sending Process
  • Email Format And Limits Of SES
  • Simple Queue Service Overview
  • SQS For Background Work Task
  • Creating A Queue
  • Confirming The Queue Exists
  • Add A Permission To The Queue
  • Publishers And Subscribers
  • Subscribing To Topic Via Email
  • Setting Notification For EC2 Instance Changes

Who Should Attend?


40 Hours


Prior experience in working with AWS services is recommended.

Skills gained after this course

What job roles can I apply for after this course?

After completion of the course you can apply for the following job positions:

Lab Practice

BlueMap has dedicated servers for PaaS, with 99.9% uptime. Candidates will be provided access to individual pods for lab practice. Guidance will also be provided if candidates want to setup a lab environment on their personal machines. A lab guide will be provided to each candidate with scenarios to practice all modules covered in the course because at BlueMap we believe that unless you see it happening you won’t be confident to answer any questions based on the same. There would be scenarios for implementing, verifying and troubleshooting all modules covered in the course.

Frequently Asked Questions

Classes will be conducted online via GoToMeeting.

You will be provided dedicated lab access on our 24x7 available cloud servers during the entire course duration. Each candidate will have his/her own lab scenario for practice. Moreover, if the candidate wants to setup a lab on their machine that support will also be provided by the instructor.

The candidate will be provided with daily class recordings, presentations, lab guides, virtual machines and study notes for practice. All this material will be included in the course fees.

We do not have a refund policy. The candidate will be provided first two sessions free of cost and then the candidate will be asked to pay the course fees.

Yes, the course fees can be paid in two instalments. The first instalment will be payable after the first two free sessions. The second instalment will be payable after 50% course completion.

Placement assistance will be provided to all candidates after course completion. Interview calls be provided to all candidates. Along with that mock interview sessions will also be conducted for all candidates to prepare them for the interview.

Even after the course completion, BlueMap is committed to provide post-training support to all candidates. Post-training support works in two ways. In the first scenario if the candidate does not understand a particular topic he/she can have one-to-one session with the instructor to clear the concept or can attend any other on-going batches. In the second scenario the instructor will provide support to the candidate if he/she is facing issues on job helping candidate to apply knowledge to practice.

aws certified solutions architect

Why choose Bluemap?

Get the best return on your investment by choosing our course. BlueMap offers incredible experience to all candidates in the training such that it creates a life-long relationship with us. What makes us say so:

Get started and skill up for the changing world