
Azure Administrator Associate (AZ-103)

Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate – AZ-103 certification, needs you to pass one exam AZ-103: Microsoft Azure Administrator. This new exam combines the skills covered in AZ-100 and AZ-101, with the majority of the new exam coming from AZ100. AZ-103 course is recommended for the Azure Administrators who manage cloud services that span storage, security, networking, and compute cloud capabilities. Candidates have a deep understanding of each service across the full IT lifecycle, and take requests for infrastructure services, applications, and environments.

Delivery Mode

Training is available in small groups as well as on one-to-one basis. Get in touch.

Batch Timings

For the latest training schedule, please check the Calendar.


5 Modules


40 hours


Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate – AZ-103 certification, needs you to pass one exam AZ-103: Microsoft Azure Administrator. This new exam combines the skills covered in AZ-100 and AZ-101, with the majority of the new exam coming from AZ-100. AZ-103 course is recommended for the Azure Administrators who manage cloud services that span storage, security, networking, and compute cloud capabilities. Candidates have a deep understanding of each service across the full IT lifecycle, and take requests for infrastructure services, applications, and environments.


Apr 17th
07:00 AM to 09:00 AM (IST)

Apr 22nd
07:00 AM to 09:00 AM (IST)

Training Type Timing Duration Get Started
Regular [Weekdays]
On Request
5 weeks
Regular [Weekends]
On Request
5 weekends
Fast Track [5 days]
To be announced

Course Content - What Will You Learn?

  • Manage Azure AD objects- create users and groups.
  • Manage user and group properties.
  • Manage device settings.
  • Perform bulk user updates.
  • Manage guest accounts.
  • Configure Azure AD Join.
  • Configure self-service password reset.
  • Manage role-based access control (RBAC).
  • Provide access to Azure resources by assigning roles.
  • Manage multiple directories.
  • Manage subscriptions and governance.
  • Configure Azure policies, resource locks and apply tags.
  • Create and manage resource groups.
  • Configure Cost Management and management groups.
  • Configure network access to storage.
  • Create and configure storage accounts.
  • Generate shared access signature.
  • Manage access keys.
  • Implement Azure storage replication.
  • Configure Azure AD Authentication.
  • Export and Import into Azure job.
  • Install and use Azure Storage Explorer.
  • Copy data by using AZCopy.
  • Create an Azure file share.
  • Create and configure Azure File Sync.
  • Configure Azure blob storage.
  • Configure storage tiers for Azure blobs.
  • Configure VMs for high availability and scalability.
  • Deploy and configure scale sets.
  • Automate deployment and configuration of VMs.
  • Modify Azure Resource Manager (ARM).
  • Configure and deploy from template.
  • Save a deployment as an ARM template.
  • Automate configuration management by using custom script extensions.
  • Create and configure VMs.
  • Configure Azure Disk Encryption.
  • Manage VM sizes and add data discs.
  • Configure networking.
  • Redeploy VMs.
  • Create and configure containers.
  • Create and configure Azure Kubernetes.
  • Create and configure Azure Container Instances.
  • Create and configure Web Apps and App Service.
  • Create and configure App Service Plans.
  • Implement and manage virtual networking.
  • Create and configure VNET peering.
  • Configure private and public IP addresses, network routes, subnets, and virtual network.
  • Configure name resolution and Azure DNS.
  • Configure custom DNS settings.
  • Configure a private or public DNS zone.
  • Secure access to virtual networks.
  • Create security rules.
  • Associate an NSG to a subnet or network interface and evaluate effective security rules.
  • Deploy and configure Azure Firewall.
  • Deploy and configure Azure Bastion.
  • Configure load balancing and Application Gateway.
  • Configure an internal load balancer.
  • Configure load balancing rules.
  • Configure a public load balancer.
  • Monitor and troubleshoot virtual networking and on-premises connectivity.
  • Use Network resource monitoring and Network Watcher.
  • Integrate an on-premises network with an Azure virtual network.
  • Create and configure Azure VPN.
  • Configure ExpressRoute, Azure Virtual WAN and direct internet access.
  • Monitor resources by using Azure Monitor.
  • Configure and interpret and analyze metrics across subscriptions.
  • Configure and implement Log Analytics workspace.
  • Configure diagnostic settings- query and analyze logs.
  • Set up alerts and actions.
  • Implement backup and recovery.
  • Configure and review backup reports.
  • Perform backup and restore operations.
  • Create a Recovery Services Vault.
  • Create and configure backup policy.
  • Perform site-to-site recovery by using Azure Site Recovery.

Who Should Attend?


40 Hours


Candidates for this exam should have proficiency in using PowerShell, the Command Line Interface, Azure Portal, ARM templates, operating systems, virtualization, cloud infrastructure, storage structures, and networking.

Skills gained after this course​

What job roles can I apply for after this course?

After completion of the course you can apply for the following job positions:

Lab Practice

BlueMap has dedicated servers for PaaS, with 99.9% uptime. Candidates will be provided access to individual pods for lab practice. Guidance will also be provided if candidates want to setup a lab environment on their personal machines. A lab guide will be provided to each candidate with scenarios to practice all modules covered in the course because at BlueMap we believe that unless you see it happening you won’t be confident to answer any questions based on the same. There would be scenarios for implementing, verifying and troubleshooting all modules covered in the course.

Frequently Asked Questions

Classes will be conducted online via GoToMeeting.

You will be provided dedicated lab access on our 24x7 available cloud servers during the entire course duration. Each candidate will have his/her own lab scenario for practice. Moreover, if the candidate wants to setup a lab on their machine that support will also be provided by the instructor.

The candidate will be provided with daily class recordings, presentations, lab guides, virtual machines and study notes for practice. All this material will be included in the course fees.

We do not have a refund policy. The candidate will be provided first two sessions free of cost and then the candidate will be asked to pay the course fees.

Yes, the course fees can be paid in two instalments. The first instalment will be payable after the first two free sessions. The second instalment will be payable after 50% course completion.

Placement assistance will be provided to all candidates after course completion. Interview calls be provided to all candidates. Along with that mock interview sessions will also be conducted for all candidates to prepare them for the interview.

Even after the course completion, BlueMap is committed to provide post-training support to all candidates. Post-training support works in two ways. In the first scenario if the candidate does not understand a particular topic he/she can have one-to-one session with the instructor to clear the concept or can attend any other on-going batches. In the second scenario the instructor will provide support to the candidate if he/she is facing issues on job helping candidate to apply knowledge to practice.

azure solutions architect

Why choose Bluemap?

Get the best return on your investment by choosing our course. BlueMap offers incredible experience to all candidates in the training such that it creates a life-long relationship with us. What makes us say so:

Get started and skill up for the changing world