Microsoft Azure – Leading Cloud Technology In This Era

Its been long time I did not publish my blog. There was a reason behind that. Its been very important in technology world that you always upgrade your knowledge with new technologies. I was going through the same process. Today I am going to share my experience of new skill that I learnt recently yes, its Microsoft Azure.

Microsoft Azure is turning point in this era of Cloud technology. There were many cloud service providers in the Market like AWS, Google Cloud, Alibaba etc. However, Azure design is simple and at the same time all the latest technology has been adopted. 

Let’s try to understand what Cloud is first. This is for people who is new in Cloud Technology. 

Cloud Technology is the process of renting IT infrastructure in terms of Services. In simple words when you need new computer or server, now you don’t need to purchase. However, you can go to any of the cloud service providers and ask for computer or server. They will give you computers and servers on rent. The best part is they even don’t charge upfront fees. They will charge you based on how many hours or minutes you have used that computer or server. This goes for all the IT devices like Network device, storage and Memory etc.

Microsoft came up with same concept with the brand Microsoft Azure. You can create new account on . They will give you certain about of credit initially to learn the interface and services for a month. After a month you can go for different plans as per your requirement. The portal is user friendly and easy to understand. 

Features of Azure:

  1. Azure Services: You will get more than 400 services in azure. They always upgrade their services and add more. 
  2. Azure Backup: Here you get full, consistence backup of running VMs including how many days you want to keep your backup.
  3. Azure Site Recovery: Azure is giving you option for live disaster recovery.
  4. Security Center: Azure security monitor both security settings. Its monitors patches, anti-virus, encryptions, open ports etc. Also monitor logs that triggers alert in case required.
  5. Azure migration: Azure migration is smooth process. The process is well defined.
  6. Azure Advisory: Azure helps and guide you based on your past usages. It gives you best possible suggestion.

How you can learn about Azure:

Microsoft has introduced many certifications related to azure. These are from fundamental to Expert leave. You can go for basic certifications Azure Fundamental (AZ-900). There are multiple verticals in azure. If you are Data scientist, you can take the path of Microsoft Azure Data Science. If you are system Admin you can take the path of Azure Administration (Az-104). If you want to learn about IoT, you can take the path of Azure IoT. The structure has been well defined. Azure is a platform for all the technologies. They have designed platforms based on our need. It does not matter on which technology are you working. You can check once Microsoft Azure portal find your platform. Cloud is now not the future, however its present. You could not survive with cloud in current Era.

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